PCB Design
This board reads accelerometer data over an I2C bus. It has six analog ports broken out along the top of the board; It uses the I2C data from the MMA8452Q accelerometer to control 4 servo outputs for the purpose of creating a stable platform. |
Creating bluetooth enabled speakers is becoming easier thanks to Aliexpress and ebay. When I prototype a design I will typically use the “blackbox” approach. i.e. I don’t need to know whats in the box, only how to use it. The more integrated the design becomes the more I’ll eliminate or replace the blackbox components. |
This was an early prototype of my accelerometer board. |
We needed a 3-phase AC generator. |
This is a working prototype of an AC 3-phase inverter. It was later integrated into a larger board with step-up transformers. |
This is the final version of the 3-phase board with step-up transformers. |